Camp Ambassador Resources

The words Interlochen Camp Ambassador appear on a green background surrounding by drawings of light blue, red, and dark blue socks.

We’re thrilled to have you as a Camp Ambassador for the 2023-2024 school year! As an ambassador, your enthusiasm and personal Interlochen story can help others ignite a lifelong passion for the arts. Use the resources below to help make a list of who you'll contact, make a plan for what you'll share, and make a great impression. 

What will I do as a Camp Ambassador?

You will tell friends, classmates, teachers, and community organizations about Interlochen Arts Camp! Use some examples we brainstormed in the Zoom training (linked below) to help you, and feel free to be as creative as you'd like!

  • Ongoing: Keep talking about Camp with your friends, classmates, bandmates and teachers! You can log your activities when completed!. If you need more printed materials mailed to you, please respond to this email and let us know.
  • By February 23: Record a video for Act for Art, Interlochen's annual giving days in May. Videos from students (like you!) are a great way to highlight the personal and artistic growth that takes place here on campus and how grateful you are for the donors and supporters who make this possible. Watch the videos from last year here. More information and to record your video for this year, use this link.


Training Materials 

We designed our Camp Ambassador training program to give you the tools you need to represent Interlochen in your home community. Need a refresher? Unable to attend a training session? Below are resources from the training that will help you be a Camp Ambassador! 

Recruitment Materials

The following materials are useful for starting a conversation or sharing more details after a meeting! Feel free to share these digital with prospective students, families, teachers, and arts leaders in your community. You will also receive a packet of hard-copy printed materials to share with your network. To request more printed materials, please email us at

Recruitment Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what a video can do! These videos are a great resource to share with prospective students, families, or organizations.

I 💙 Camp Day

Our Camp Ambassadors LOVE Camp! Thank you all for your incredible videos!