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Send Care Packages from Home
Care Packages From Home
Consider just one or maybe two care packages for your child. While we prefer that no food be sent to Camp, if food is sent, it should be limited to an individually wrapped snack that can be shared with all members of the cabin or a small individual snack that is consumed the day it is received. There is no storage available for food or snacks except for those campers with dietary issues that have been communicated in advance. We offer the following ideas for non-food care packages, many of which can be shared with the cabin:
- Mad Libs
- Waterproof camera
- Small handheld travel games
- Glow-in-the-dark bracelets
- Klutz activity books
- A new book
- Stick on mustaches
- Temporary tattoos
- A fun pen or markers
- Balsa wood airplanes
- Friendship bracelet materials
Send care packages to:
USPS (United States Postal Service)
[Student name]
[Division, cabin number]*
P.O. Box 200
Interlochen, MI 49643-0200
UPS or FedEx
[Student name]
[Division, cabin number]*
9900 Diamond Park Road
Interlochen, MI 49643-0200
*Your student's division (Pines Woodland, Lakeside Bluffs, Lakeside Meadows, etc.) and cabin number are assigned at registration and can be found in the parent portal.