Jan. 15 is the Priority Application Deadline for Interlochen Arts Camp and Arts Academy. Programs fill quickly—submit your app today!

Film & New Media Intensives Portfolio Requirements

Screenwriting Intensive

PDF file: 1-2 page (double-spaced) personal essay detailing your interest in filmmaking and what inspired your application to Interlochen.

AND ONE of the following items:

  • PDF file: Three to five-page sample screenplay
    • OR
  • PDF file: Five-page fiction short story (double-spaced)
    • OR
  • Film Treatment: One-page synopsis of an idea you have for a film
    • OR
  • Video file: Short video/film or animation. If a collaborative work, please describe your role in the production.

Any written materials should be typed and proofread with a standard 12-point font.

Storyboarding Intensive

Show a sequence of 10-20 storyboard panels on any subject that you wish. You may use any medium that represents your highest quality of work. *All image submissions must be in JPEG format.

Please include: 

  • 5 -10 gesture loose figure drawings
  • 1 figure study
  • 2 character drawings  

Film Scoring Intensive

PDF file: 1-2 page (double-spaced) personal essay detailing your interest in film scoring and what inspired your application to Interlochen.

AND ANY of the following items:

  • Video file: Short video/film or animation as an example of previous work. Please describe your role in the production.
    • AND/OR
  • Audio file: 1–3 minute finished original music. Please describe your role in the production.
    • AND/OR
  • Musical Notation: Notated score of original composition with audio

Any written materials should be typed and proofread with a standard 12-point font.
