Sarah Kate Morgan
About Sarah Kate
The music of Sarah Kate Morgan embodies her respect and joy of Appalachian music and her creative approach to arranging. Backing traditional melodies with fresh harmonies and a progressive drive, she lends a new feel to seemingly "old" tunes, while accompanying pure and heartfelt vocals with the unpretentious sound of the Appalachian dulcimer. Sarah Kate started her musical journey at 7 years old and has fallen in love with traditional and folk music through the years. A native of East Tennessee, Sarah has incorporated the rich musical heritage of the area into her music. At 18, Sarah placed 1st at the 2012 National Mountain Dulcimer Championships held in Winfield, Kansas. A year later she went on to become a finalist in the 2013 International Acoustic Music Awards. She currently studying Traditional Music and Appalachian Studies at Morehead State University.