Thomas Childs, D.M.A.

About Thomas
Recently published in The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy, Thomas Childs currently heads the theory and musicianship program and curriculum at Interlochen Arts Academy where he also teaches Contemporary Piano. A composer interested in the collision of popular and classical music, Childs seeks to find a balance of accessibility and complexity in his writing to engage a broad spectrum of listeners. His diverse experiences range from studio and live work as a contemporary keyboardist to solo, chamber, and orchestral compositions. The inflections of jazz and pop in his work create music that is hopefully as fun for you to listen to as it is for him to write.
Childs' works have been performed from Pittsburgh to Paris. He has had pieces performed by Sir James Galway, eighth blackbird, Tala Rasa Percussion, and Alia Musica among others. A finalist for the American Prize in chamber music composition and winner of the Michigan State University Honors Composition Award, his works have been featured at the International Clarinet Association Symposium and the Interlochen Shakespeare Festival.
B.M., Songwriting - Berklee College of Music
M.M., Music Theory - Michigan State University
M.M., Composition - Duquesne University
D.M.A., Composition - Michigan State University