Announcing the 2020-21 Arts Academy Theatre Division Titles

The Interlochen Arts Academy Theatre Division is pleased to announce the plays and musicals that will be performed during the 2020-21 academic year.
Interlochen Arts Academy theatre faculty will direct seven different titles, ranging from a Shakespeare classic to a contemporary Broadway hit. In addition to the faculty-led productions, Arts Academy actors will participate in the annual, student-directed one-act festival.
“This year’s season features a diverse range of writers and themes,” said Director of Theatre Bill Church. “Our performers will explore important contemporary topics and gain vital insights on the world through a mix of classical and modern texts.”
During the 2020-21 season, Interlochen Arts Academy will continue its partnership with Traverse City-based Parallel 45 Theatre. Building on last year’s success, theatre students will again be collaborating with professionals to stage an exciting contemporary text. Details are forthcoming!
The 2020-21 theatre titles are:
Headlines | Directed by Bill Church
Death and the King’s Horseman by Wole Soyinka | Directed by Gulshirin Dubash
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare | Directed by Laura Mittelstaedt
The Noteworthy Life of Howard Barnes | Book & Lyrics by Chris Dimond | Music by Michael Kooman | Directed by Christine Marie Brown
One-Act Festival | Playwrights TBA | Directed by Interlochen Arts Academy theatre students
TBA | Collaboration with Parallel 45 Theatre
Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 by Anna Deveare Smith | Directed by Stephen John
The Birds by Aristophanes | Directed by Andy McGinn
In the Heights | Book by Quiara Alegria Hudes | Music and Lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda | Directed by Bill Church
Want to be a part of these shows? Learn more about our Arts Academy Theatre program. Or contact Interlochen’s Office of Admission & Financial Aid.