Past Alumni Events

Group shots of alumni gathering at reunions over the years.
The Kresge Auditorium stage, bearing the inscription "Dedicated to the promotion of world friendship through the universal language of the arts."

From networking mixers to alumni panels and live performances to reunions, our events reach alumni close to campus and far from stately pines. Stay connected and enjoy these resources from past alumni events.

What's an Interlochen Alum Like You Doing in a Place Like This? 

Academy Reunion Weekend: October 15, 2022

We shine the spotlight on five alumni whose careers have taken them to unexpected places--from the courtroom, classroom, and places of worship to the ocean and all facets of built environments. Moderated by alumna Ana Papakhian (IAA 86), this conversation and Q&A celebrate the many paths of our Interlochen community.

Ask the Archivist 

Zoom Webinar: July 20, 2021

Have you wondered why Joe Maddy decided that campers should wear blue corduroy at a summer camp? Or the origins of that phrase on the back of Kresge?  Leo Gillis, Director of Library and Archives, debunks some Interlochen myths, solves some Interlochen mysteries, and addresses questions from Camp alumni about the archives of Interlochen Center for the Arts.

Resilience. We've Got This!

Zoom Webinar: May 18, 2021

The past year has been challenging for most people, but it has hit those who make a living in the arts especially hard. Learn and hear stories of resilience from Interlochen alumni  - the struggles they faced during the pandemic, how they adapted, and their outlook today. The event concludes with a special guided reflection to help put the last year in context and find a productive way forward. No matter your profession or life experience, you'll be inspired by these stories and learn practical tools that you'll carry into the future. 

Download the presentation. (PDF)

Jazz Concert & Talkback with Bill Sears

Webcast: March 31, 2021

After 34 years at Interlochen, Director of Jazz Studies Bill Sears is retiring. Enjoy a performance by the Interlochen Arts Academy Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo and a post-concert talkback with Bill and current students. Hear Bill share his career highlights and from current students about their experiences on campus this year. 

The Interlochen Journey

Zoom Webinar: March 23, 2021

Listen as five alumni share their personal Interlochen journeys and how their time in the land of the stately pines continues to shape their lives today. Moderated by alumna and Creative Writing faculty member Dr. Brittany Cavallaro (IAA 02-04), this conversation and Q&A celebrates the many paths of our Interlochen community.