Volunteer for Interlochen
Pay it Forward
You've undoubtedly experienced it—the transformative power and creative energy that is Interlochen. Help others experience the same by sharing your time and talents as a volunteer.

Volunteering On-Campus
If you call northern Michigan home or just enjoy spending time under the "stately pines", Interlochen offers a host of opportunities to volunteer on our campus. From welcoming visitors at the information booth to planting flowers or ushering at concerts and events, there are so many ways to be involved.
Volunteering Off-Campus
Volunteer on behalf of Interlochen in your local community. Alumni and parent volunteers welcome new families, support current students through mentorship, organize local and regional events, and serve on committees. Our volunteers contribute in the ways that work for them. Our network of off-campus volunteers provides significant value in the connections they make, the experiences they share, and the expanded reach they provide.
Through the volunteer support of our alumni and parents, contacts are made, prospective students get informed, families are welcomed, alumni are connected, and the institution's resources are stewarded. Consider some of the ways you might contribute.
I really love being able to help and share how wonderful Interlochen is! I feel it is a small way I can give back to a community that has given so much to our family.
Volunteers who are ready to jump in where needed are a key part of the Interlochen magic. Whether this is representing Interlochen at a regional recruitment event, conducting outreach visits to local arts organizations, or participating in a focus group, our alumni and parent volunteers provide meaningful value to our prospective students and families, alumni, and the institution as a whole. Reach out to us and we will share opportunities to participate as your interest and time allow.
Enrollment Ambassadors
Our enrollment ambassadors connect with families considering Interlochen for Arts Camp or Arts Academy. Ambassadors address parent questions as part of parent panels and make congratulatory phone calls to newly accepted families to answer questions, offer insights, and share perspectives on their Interlochen experience. Sometimes, a well-timed phone call and an opportunity to talk parent-to-parent offer needed reassurance and reinforce the decision to enroll.
Engagement Committees
Committees are a great way to contribute toward specific goals and take an active role in work that makes a real difference. Our engagement committees typically meet three to four times per year and focus their efforts on achieving goals outlined in a defined work plan.
Class Ambassadors (Interlochen Arts Academy)
Our Arts Academy alumni have a unique opportunity to contribute. Class Ambassadors help their Arts Academy classmates stay connected to Interlochen and each other, inspire enthusiasm for Interlochen news and events, and encourage support for the Interlochen Annual Fund. To learn more and find out if your class has an opening for a Class Ambassador, email Carolyn Felix Purcell.
Regional Ambassadors
Interlochen maintains an active network of alumni and parents who volunteer on behalf of Interlochen in the communities where they live. Regional ambassadors are trained representatives of Interlochen, empowered to plan and execute Interlochen activities locally. Activities are typically focused on student recruitment, professional development/learning opportunities for alumni, or networking and social opportunities like alumni performances or mini-reunions.
Our core groups of ambassadors are located in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, DC., though we have motivated volunteers in various areas of the world. Ambassadors are provided with training, resources, marketing materials, promotional items, and more, and are expected to work in collaboration with the Office of Engagement.
Engagement Council
Our Interlochen Engagement Council is comprised of a select group of Interlochen alumni and parents committed to advancing Interlochen's engagement efforts. The Council works in collaboration with the Office of Engagement and develops strategic priorities and initiatives to lead engagement efforts. Council members are trained as Regional Ambassadors, represent various geographic regions, and are involved in Interlochen outreach, networking, and events within their local communities.
Get Started
Volunteering is a rewarding way to stay connected and to give back to Interlochen. Our team can help connect you with volunteer opportunities that match your individual interests and availability. Contact us to get started.