The Bob Luby Fund for Student Emergencies

2022 Les Preludes.

Interlochen’s longstanding mission, emblazoned on the back wall of storied Kresge Auditorium, reminds us that we are “Dedicated to the Promotion of World Friendship.” That commitment takes many forms, including caring for our own community members who are experiencing moments of need or unexpected hardship.

The Bob Luby Fund for Student Emergencies was created to help students who qualify for assistance with urgent necessities such as:

  • winter weather gear
  • travel to and from campus
  • medical expenses
  • instrument repairs
  • books
  • fees for standardized tests

Thank you so much for allowing me to get my hands on new winter clothing. The pair of sneakers that I currently own were trying their best to get me through the harsh (and extremely variant) Michigan weather, so I’m glad I can get some sturdy winter boots.


The fund is named in memory of a former Interlochen administrative staff member who, before joining our ranks, spent five decades in a teaching and administrative career at Detroit Public Schools. We’re heartened that Bob Luby’s generous, multifaceted spirit of service lives on through the urgent-needs fund that bears his name.

You can help sustain this emergency fund and make a special difference in the life of a student, turning what might be a moment of crisis into one of support and relief.

My name is Alek. I’m 15, and a few days ago, I arrived at Interlochen to study ballet dance. That was a long trip from Poland.

Besides ballet, I also study general subjects like math or history, for which I needed a computer. You can’t imagine my surprise when, upon checking in, I received it — a gift from you.

Thanks to your help, it’s much easier to learn now. I wish you could see me dancing on stage someday.

Thank you and God bless you!

Alek N.

To make a gift, use our online donation form and, in the comment box, specify that your gift should be applied to the Bob Luby Fund for Student Emergencies.

Donors can also give to the Bob Luby Endowment Fund, so that the institution can respond to urgent student needs for generations to come. For more information, please contact Philanthropy staff at 231.276.7623 or