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Organ Core Curriculum

The Classical Organ program lets you expand your knowledge of this fascinating instrument with the guidance of our stellar faculty, robust curriculum, and performance opportunities. Students take a weekly lesson, participate in group studio classes, and grow their artistic skills through music theory and musicianship courses.

Topics covered are hymn playing, improvisation, practice skills, organ tuning, and performance skills. Studio classes, master classes and regular performances at local churches are a large part of this course.

The Private Lesson is individualized and tailored to the level, background, and needs of each student. It stresses a solid foundation in technical skills and covers a wide range of literature. Private study includes studio classes which provide students an opportunity to perform for their peers in an informal setting.

This course is an extension of private lessons. It addresses many of the same concepts, but in a group setting. It is designed to be flexible to meet the varying levels and needs of students.

Sample Classical Organ Curriculum for a 4-Year Student

Semester I

Required Courses
Private Lesson: Organ / MUS033
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS099
Organ Majors Class / MUS303

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS055
Composition Class / MUS213

Sample Academic Courses
Algebra I; Biology; English I; French I

Semester II

Required Courses
Private Lesson: Organ / MUS034
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS100
Organ Majors Class / MUS304

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS056
Composition Class / MUS214

Sample Academic Courses
Algebra I; Biology; English I; French I

Semester III

Required Courses
Private Lesson: Organ / MUS033
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS099
Music Theory / MUS101
Organ Majors Class / MUS303

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS055
Chamber Singers / MUS057
Introduction to Audio Technology and Production / PROD091
Composition Class / MUS213
Performance Lab / MUS227

Sample Academic Courses
Geometry; World History; English II; French II

Semester IV

Required Courses
Private Lesson / MUS034
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS100
Music Theory / MUS104
Organ Majors Class / MUS304

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS056
Chamber Singers / MUS058
Introduction to Audio Technology and Production / PROD092
Composition Class / MUS214
Performance Lab / MUS228

Sample Academic Courses
Geometry; World History; English II; French II

Semester V

Required Courses
Private Lesson: Organ / MUS033
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS099
Organ Majors Class / MUS303
Music Theory / MUS215

Elective Courses
Choir / US055
Chamber Singers / MUS057
Chamber Music / MUS069
Intro to Music Production & Technology / MUS090
Music Business / MUS109
Jazz History / MUS209
Composition Class / MUS213
Performance Lab / MUS227
Jazz Improvisation / MUS307

Sample Academic Courses
Algebra II; U.S. History; English III; Chemistry

Semester VI

Required Courses
Private Lesson / MUS034
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS100
Organ Majors Class / MUS304
Music Theory / MUS310

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS056
Chamber Singers / MUS057
Piano Lesson (30 minute) / MUS075
Intro to Music Production & Technology / MUS094
Jazz History / MUS210
Composition Class / MUS214
Performance Lab / MUS228
Jazz Improvisation / MUS308

Sample Academic Courses
Algebra II; U.S. History; English III; Chemistry

Semester VII

Required Courses
Private Lesson / MUS033
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS099
Organ Majors Class / MUS303

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS055
Chamber Singers / MUS057
Intro to Music Production & Technology / MUS090
Music Business / MUS109
Jazz History / MUS209
Composition Class / MUS213
Performance Lab / MUS227
Jazz Improvisation / MUS307
Conducting / MUS407
Advanced Theory / MUS413

Sample Academic Courses
Precalculus; Ecology; English IV

Semester VIII

Required Courses
Private Lesson: Organ / MUS034
Piano Lesson / MUS074
Studio / MUS100
Organ Majors Class / MUS304

Elective Courses
Choir / MUS056
Chamber Singers / MUS057
Intro to Music Production & Technology / MUS094
Jazz History / MUS210
Composition Class / MUS214
Performance Lab / MUS228
Jazz Improvisation / MUS308
Conducting / MUS408
Advanced Theory / MUS413
Super Theory / MUS502

Sample Academic Courses
Precalculus; Ecology; English IV