Calling 6th through 12th-grade musicians! Register for one of our free INSTRUMENT FESTIVALS. Take master classes and lessons with faculty and guest artists.
Design & Production Portfolio Requirements
Design & Production Requirements
- Creative Samples: Provide examples of your design work, which can include drawings, sketches, production images, and/or other samples of your artistic skills. Please include a maximum of 5 samples.
- Video Introduction: Tell us about who you are as an artist. Record a short (2-5 minutes) video introduction, including information about your artistic journey, such as the kinds of classes or lessons you have taken, your artistic accomplishments, any awards you have won, groups you have participated in, artistic experiences that have been particularly meaningful, and anything else you would like for us to know about you as an artist.
Portfolio Guidance
Your design and production portfolio should reflect your interest and ability. Please include examples of your best work in both theatre design and other arts areas. If you’re unable to present all of the suggested materials, please submit materials that clearly showcase your skill level and potential, including work that is still in progress. If we need to see more, we will let you know. Feel free to contact the Director of Design & Production if you have any questions about preparing your portfolio. We look forward to seeing your work!
How to Submit Your Materials
You can submit your design and production portfolio online. Our application page provides further instructions on how to upload your files.