Travel Information for Intensives

Everything you need to know to get to and from Interlochen safely.

Travel Dates

Please note the dates listed below are general start and end dates for each program to help facilitate travel plans. Specific information regarding first artistic obligations and final obligations will be shared with you in the Education Community in the spring.


  • Check-in is on Saturday, June 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the various divisions. 
  • The first artistic commitment for all institutes is on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. 
  • Students who are FLYING and ALONE may arrive after 5 p.m. on Friday, June 13. 
  • Students traveling by CAR may not check in until Saturday, June 14 at 8am.
  • There are no options for students to arrive any earlier than Friday, June 13.


  • Program activities end by 9 p.m. on Thursday, June 19.
  • Students may depart Thursday evening after their final artistic commitment and no later than noon on Friday, June 20. Parents may request to depart one day late for a $500 fee. All requests for late departure must be submitted in writing to Camp Questions. Families will be notified if their request is approved. Requests for late departure are challenging to accommodate and require extreme circumstances.
  • Students staying to attend additional programs will be housed and supervised until their registration begins the evening of June 21. Due to the logistics of preparing for the next session, students will likely be consolidated into cabins for Thursday and Friday nights.
  • Program activities end by 9 p.m. on Thursday, June 19. 
  • For those students attending more than one session, Camp Life staff will provide either on- or off-campus programming activities during the changeover weekend. Students may also check out for the weekend and return for registration on Saturday or Sunday. 

Additional Travel Details

Use the accordions below for more important travel details.

The Travel Plans Form, found in the Education Community, is due four weeks prior to your student’s arrival date. All student travel plans, including those by car, must be filed using this form. There is a $35 late fee assessed for late or no travel plans.

Completing the Travel Plans Form reserves a seat on an Interlochen vehicle and ensures that Interlochen staff will meet the student at the Traverse City airport or bus station when they arrive, and/or provide transportation to the airport or bus station in time for departure, according to the information provided on the form. Interlochen transportation service also takes care of transporting student luggage to and from campus. Interlochen staff are at the airport for all arrivals and departures during travel weekends.

Notify the Interlochen Student Travel Office as soon as possible if there is a change in the students travel plans. The preferred way to make a travel plans change is to submit a new online travel form via the Education Community. Or, if the change in travel plans requires immediate action, call 231.276.7373.

If a student experiences an airline or bus delay, or a cancellation, they should do the following:

  • Call parents first!
  • Rebook flights as needed
  • Notify Interlochen of the changes at 231.276.7373

$15 – Each one-way trip to or from the Traverse City airport or bus station. The fee is deducted from the student account. There is no need to carry additional cash to pay the transportation fee.

$35 – Additional fee if travel plans (both arrival and departure) are submitted less than four weeks before student’s scheduled arrival date or not at all.

Families who are traveling with their children who desire transportation to and from campus may request this by sending an email to

Please note: Interlochen Center for the Arts only provides transportation to and from the airport and bus station in Traverse City, Michigan. Interlochen does not provide transportation to and from other cities in the state.

When booking plane or bus tickets, the preferred Interlochen travel agency is Classic Travel. They have extensive experience with scheduling student travel to and from Interlochen. Classic Travel offers special assistance to Interlochen students and families with travel bookings, and they actively help solve any problems students may experience while traveling. Contact Classic Travel at their website or at 800.643.3449.

Unaccompanied Minor is a term used by the airlines for a fee-based escort service for a young traveler. The airlines charge a separate fee for this service. Each airline has its own specific requirements for transporting young travelers. We recommend that families check with the air carrier to determine what requirements apply to a minor child. See below for unaccompanied minor information for the three primary airline carriers for Traverse City.

We also recommend that you schedule flights early in the day. Airlines will not board an unaccompanied minor if any flights of the trip are the last flight of the day. When making unaccompanied minor arrangements, airlines will ask for the specific name, address, and phone number of the receiving adult. Please use the following information:

Adult Names: Angela Johnson

Address: Interlochen Center for the Arts, 4000 J Maddy Parkway, Interlochen, MI 49643

Phone Number: 231.276.7373


Please allow at least two weeks for items to arrive at Interlochen from the continental U.S. and Canadian sites and longer from other locations. Place origin and destination addresses, and phone numbers, inside shipped items in case exterior tags become lost. It is recommended to ship belongings in boxes that can be reused at the end of the session.

To ship luggage and boxes in advance use the following address and include the student’s arrival date:

Student’s Name
9900 Diamond Park Road
Interlochen, MI 49643-0200

All baggage that accompanies students who are flying to Interlochen or luggage sent in advance to Interlochen must have Camp division-coded sorting tags attached and must be addressed as indicated above. Luggage tags are provided as a download in the Intensives Packing List.

U.S. Department of Transportation - Traveling with Instruments - Article 1

U.S. Department of Transportation - Traveling with Instruments - Article 2

Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their airline regarding instrument transportation policies.

Keep in mind that instrument cases may be searched thoroughly by airport personnel, with or without the student present. It is advisable to ship larger instruments (i.e. instruments that do not fit in the airline's overhead luggage compartment and would otherwise end up in checked baggage areas) directly to Interlochen Arts Camp via FedEx, UPS, or USPS.

If you must fly with your instrument: Do not bring your instrument in a soft case or gig bag, even if you know it will fit in the overhead compartment. A hard case will better protect your instrument during transportation. (If you prefer using a soft case while at Camp, ship it separately or pack it in your luggage.) Label your case with your name and phone number, and Interlochen's address and Camp division in case you become separated from it. You may wish to include "fragile" stickers on the outside of the case and a note inside the case indicating that airport security should take special care when handling the instrument for luggage inspection. If your instrument is valuable, please make sure it is insured.

If you ship your instrument to Camp: You may ship the instrument to either the luggage shipping address or to Instrument Services. If you ship to Instrument Services, keep in mind that you will only be able to pick up your instrument during the hours Instrument Services is open. (Please contact Instrument Services in advance if shipping at We suggest "double-packing" instruments when shipping: Include extra packing material both in the case (if the instrument can move around in it) and around the case inside the shipping box. We also highly recommend insuring the instrument with the carrier. If shipping the instrument in a soft case, we recommend packing it in a box with packing material, then packing that box inside a larger box with pack material.

  • It is strongly recommended that copies of receipts for any prepaid airline fees (unaccompanied minor, baggage/luggage, etc.) be sent with the student to be stored with their travel documents for proof of payment. The Student Travel Office cannot be responsible for reimbursement of additional fees paid to the airlines in the absence of a receipt. If you have questions regarding this, please call 231.276.7373.
  • If traveling by plane or bus, ship as much luggage as possible ahead of time, and also plan to ship back home as much as possible. The airlines have very strict luggage requirements, and will charge substantial fees for oversized or excess luggage. Check individual airline websites for more information:
  • Students should carry travel money for personal needs and any costs that may arise during travel. 
  • Traveling from Cherry Capital Airport is very different than traveling from a big city. The planes are smaller and during the Camp season nearly every passenger is a student. Please trust us when we say that there are no exceptions to the policies involving checked and carry-on luggage.
  • Luggage may sometimes not travel on the same flight as the student if the planes are full, and therefore will not arrive with the student. If a student’s luggage does not arrive with him/her, Interlochen staff will check each arriving flight for the delayed luggage. If the luggage is not located within 24 hours, families must file a missing luggage report with the airline. In the lost luggage report, give them Interlochen's address so the airline can deliver it to your student when found. (4000 J Maddy Parkway, Interlochen, MI 49643)
  • Do not pack items in checked luggage that students will need immediately or can’t go without. These items should be taken in the carry-on bag.
  • Upon arrival, travel documents and materials will be collected for safekeeping and returned to your student at the end of the session. Any funds over $20 will be collected and deposited in the personal account.