Jan. 15 is the Priority Application Deadline for Interlochen Arts Camp and Arts Academy. Programs fill quickly—submit your app today!

What to Expect When You Arrive in the U.S.A. for Arts Camp

Here are some common questions international students and families have about getting to Interlochen Arts Camp. In addition, many questions can be answered by reviewing the Student and Family Handbooks.

Important Documents

Always store your passport, visa, and Form I-20 safely in your carry-on luggage. You should never be separated from these documents while traveling. When you reach Interlochen, for safety and security reasons, we will keep these documents in the Travel Office where they are locked and stored until needed. These documents are very difficult, if not impossible, to replace.

Port of Entry

When you arrive at your port of entry to the United States, you will be asked to present your passport, visa, and Form I-20 to a Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) official. If required, you will be asked to complete a secondary inspection. Please allow time for these inspections when scheduling your flights.

Once you are allowed to enter the United States, the CBP official will provide you with an electronic Form I-94. In some circumstances (often at land borders) you may be issued a paper Form I-94.

Getting to Interlochen

You should have already submitted a Travel Plans Form to Interlochen. This form is found in the Education Community. The Travel Plans Form reserves your seat on an Interlochen vehicle and ensures that Interlochen staff will meet you at the Traverse City airport or bus station when you arrive. Interlochen transportation service will transport your luggage to campus. Our staff are at the Traverse City airport for all arrivals and departures during travel weekends.

Change in Travel Plans

Please notify the Interlochen Student Travel Office as soon as possible if there is a change in your travel plans. The preferred way to make a travel plans change is to submit a new Travel Plans Form in the Education Community. If a change in travel plans requires immediate action, students must call their parents first; rebook flights as needed; and then notify Interlochen of the changes by calling 231.276.7373.

Need Help Booking Travel Plans?

When booking plane or bus tickets, the preferred Interlochen travel agency is Classic Travel. They have extensive experience with scheduling student travel to and from Interlochen. Classic Travel offers special assistance to Interlochen students and families with travel bookings, and they actively help solve any problems students may experience while traveling. Contact Classic Travel at their website (www.classictrav.com) or at 800.643.3449.

Preparing for Jet Lag

Depending on the time zone from which you traveled, you may experience jet lag upon your arrival to Camp. Jet lag is temporary and you will adjust to Interlochen's time zone. Some experts say it may take a day for every time zone traveled. For example, if you traveled from London, England (BST) to Interlochen (EDT), it may take five days for you to adjust. If you continue to experience sleep issues, daytime fatigue, or other jet lag symptoms longer than expected, please inform Health Services for assistance.