Theatre Intensive Audition and Portfolio Requirements

Please note that for all Interlochen theatre auditions, videos of past performances do not meet our audition requirements. Please submit auditions that showcase only the applicant performing the required material below.

Acting Audition Intensive

  • Video file #1: One contemporary monologue, less than two minutes in length, from a published play.
  • Video file #2: One monologue from Shakespeare that is less than two minutes in length.

Costume Design Intensive

  • PDF file #1: A detailed outline of your previous experience with costume design.
  • PDF files #2-5: Images of your designs, constructions, or fabrications, as well as examples of related artistic skills.

Students with a limited portfolio but a passion for theatre and costume design are encouraged to apply.

Musical Theatre Audition Intensive

  • Video files #1 and #2:Two contrasting songs performed with piano accompaniment. Examples include one up-tempo song and one ballad or slow song; one pop song and one Broadway song; or one comedy song and one dramatic song.
  • Video file #3 (optional): Applicants with dance experience should include a one-minute sample of movement or dance representative of skill level (include pirouettes, jumps, and any type of acrobatic movements).

Musical Theatre Techniques Intensive

  • Video files #1 and #2: Two contrasting songs performed with piano accompaniment. Examples include one up-tempo song and one ballad or slow song; one pop song and one Broadway song; or one comedy song and one dramatic song.
  • Video file #3 (optional): Applicants with dance experience should include a one-minute sample of movement or dance representative of skill level (include pirouettes, jumps, and any type of acrobatic movements).

Songwriting for Musical Theatre Intensive

  • Video file #1: One song excerpt from musical theatre repertoire, approximately one-minute in length.
  • PDF file #1: A writing sample of a song you have composed, a poem, or any written work that demonstrates your writing ability. 

Sound Design Intensive

  • PDF file #1: A resume or detailed outline of your previous experience with sound design.
  • PDF file #2: A document with active link(s) to Google Drive, Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify etc. providing relevant examples of original sound design work (created soundscapes and/or effects).
  • PDF file #3: Any relevant sound design paperwork, including but not limited to cue sheets, script analysis, and research.

Stage Management Intensive

  • PDF file #1: Prepare a written personal essay (200 words) sharing with us why you feel compelled to enroll in the Stage Management Intensive. 
  • PDF files #2-4 (optional): Submit one to three samples of pre-production paperwork that you feel best represent your stage management experience.
  • Basic knowledge of Theatre stage directions and terms is required.

Students with a limited portfolio but a passion for theatre and stage management are encouraged to apply.

